About the Project


Filip Blažek works as a full-time graphic designer since 1993. In 2000, he finished a degree at the Faculty of Arts at the Charles University in Prague. Apart from being a designer, he is a co-author of Praktická typografie (Typography in practice), published by ComputerPress, 2000, 2004. He is also a contributor to the professional periodicals in the field. He is a founder and a member of the editorial office of Typo magazine, which focuses on typography, graphic design and visual communication. He is an owner of the Typo.cz server, dedicated to Czech and international graphic design. Since 1999, he gives lectures dealing with type and corporate identity. He is the Czech deputy of the international organisation ATypI.


Filip Blažek, Studio Designiq, Letenské nám. 3, 170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic, www.designiq.cz, E-mail filip(at)designiq.cz


Following people helped this project significantly. I want to thank to: Paľo Bálik (SK), Johanna Balušíková (SK/NL), Peter Biľak (SK/NL), Victor Gaultney (UK), Otakar Karlas (CZ), Bohdan Koleček (CZ), Róbert Kravjánszki (HU), Jakub Krč (CZ), Roman Lang (CZ), Daniel Markovič (SK), Ermin Međedović (SI), Petra Černe Oven (SI/UK), František Štorm (CZ), Adam Twardoch (PL), and Marius Ursache (RO)


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