
Name: ogonek
Adobe PS: ogonek
Unicode: 02DB, 0328
Languages: Diné bizaad (Navajo), Lithuanian, Nnee biyátiʼ (Western Apache), Polish


History and examples of use

In Polish, the ogonek is used with ą and ę for denoting nasal vowels. It also indicates nasality in a number of Native North American languages, such as Cayuga: ę and ǫ, and Chipewyan: ą, ę, ɛ̨, į, ǫ, ų. In Lithuanian, it lengthtens ą, ę, į and ų.


Ogonek is one of the accents causing most trouble to typographers. Ogonek should, in most cases, reach the descender line, and it should not exceed the right edge of the character to which it belongs. Its style and weight should correspond with the character of the typeface with regard to both stress and terminal style. Ogonek has to be connected with its character well, especially with round lower case letters and with the upper case U. Horizontally, the accent is never placed at the centre of the character (with the exception of į / Į and sometimes Ų, where this may occur); it should be placed more to the right side. It is easier to connect ogonek with the upper case (again, with one exception Ų). There are two ways to connect the accent with Ą, in case of a serifed typeface: the ogonek either connects to the centre of the base of the right stroke, or it replaces the inner serif of that stroke. The connection of ogonek to a letter almost always requires subtle modification to the ogonek form where it joins the letter; it is seldom satisfactory to simply paste the diacritic form onto the letter: the ogonek should appear to flow out of the letter. Very detailed description is to be found via the following link.

A horizontally centred ogonek is often acceptable (or even preferable) in Native North American languages; some speakers reject variants where the ogonek is placed to the right side.
